Horoscope Consultancy

Horoscope Consultancy or Services

We know that life isn’t always easy. Sometimes we face challenges that might seem too big to tackle on our own. That’s why we’re here for you. We’ll help you find love, happiness, and peace of mind.

Subramanya Udhaya is an esteemed astrologer that has more than hereditary Business experience in his field. He has helped thousands of people just like you to find their way back to where they belong – with love, light, and happiness by their side. If you’re looking for accurate predictions, we’re your go-to. We offer a vast range of services, including horoscopes and predictions.

What is Horoscope?
Horoscope is a tabular representation of the planets in the zodiac based on the time and the place of birth. Each individual has an exclusive horoscope and therefore possesses different traits and destiny.
Indian, Vedic, Western, Greek, Chinese, and other systems are different in the way the birth chart is prepared and therefore, each system gives different interpretations and predictions.
Horoscope in Indian Astrology
The system of Indian Astrology recognizes the heavenly bodies in our solar system only and considers the rest of the constellations and galaxies as reference points in relation to the planets. The strength of the planets is judged based on the constellation they are moving against. The Indian system considers the zodiac as epileptic rather than circular. Thus, each of the12 houses is not 30 degrees but of varying degrees (according to time and date of birth). This makes the horoscope of every individual different thus, bringing about accuracy.
Indian horoscope is found to be far more superior to that given by other systems. The predictions given by Indian horoscope is highly authentic (factual) and therefore, reliable.

Our Services on Horoscope

CAREER - Choosing or building a career is one of the most difficult things, get help from the experts.
MARRIAGE - Nowadays there are a lot of peoples who are not getting married, it is the biggest stress.
WORSHIP LESSON - Check whether you are worshiping correctly or not, get assistance from Guruji.
PALM READING - You can know your future just by showing your palm to Guruji. He will assist you further.
MANGLIK DOSHA - MangalikDosha occurs due to schwa deletion, it is a Hindu practice prevalent in India.
KUNDLI DOSHA - Kundlidosha refers to one or more than one serious faults in the horoscope compatibility.
FESTIVALS - Know dates of all festivals with muhurta, from our expert’s & follow the correct procedures.
HYPNOSIS - Hypnosis treatment can be effective in helping people cope with pain, stress and anxiety.
COUPLE PROBLEMS - Any problems or issues between husband and wife, our Guruji can assist and resolve it.
EDUCATION - If you are not getting good results in exam even after all efforts, you need to consult us.
FOREIGN TOURS - Any foreign tour plans coming up, do consult us, we'll give proper muhurta to visit foreign.
NAME ANALYSIS - Your name is extremely important! It is how you identify yourself. It is how others identify.